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At-A-Glance AAG70100X05 Desk Planner Wkly-Mthly Jan-Dec 4.88 in. x 8 in. Black
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Weekly/monthly planner features a contemporary design that gives this traditional planner a modern-day look. Dated planning pages range 12 months from January to December. Two-page-per-week spreads include ruled daily entries with no appointments for open scheduling Monday-through-Sunday scheduling ruled notes area count of days/days remaining federal holiday dates in red and past current and future months reference at the top. Tabbed two-page-per-month spreads have unruled daily blocks Sunday-through-Saturday scheduling ruled notes column count of days/days remaining federal holidays in red and past and future months reference. Wirebound planner also has perforated corners for easy reference and a simulated leather cover. Planner is nonrefillable.- SKU: SPRCH33629
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