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GE Lighting P21/5W NH/BP2 Nighthawk Automotive Replacement Bulbs 2-Pack

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Product Name
GE Lighting P21/5W NH/BP2 Nighthawk Automotive Replacement Bulbs 2-Pack
Product Description

Ultra Bright NIGHTHAWK. Drive with the confidence. Compared to GE standard automotive OEM bulbs Nighthawk interior courtesy lighting and exterior signal lighting offer on average 50 percent additional brightness. GE NightHawk Automotive Replacement Bulbs provide optimal illumination for safer driving after dark. These ultra-bright street- legal bulbs ease the challenge of night driving by making it easier to see farther down the road. According to the National Safety Council automotive related death rates are three times greater at night than during the day. With the NightHawk bulbs lighting the way you ll drive safer and with greater confidence. And since these bulbs are just as easy to install as any other replacement bulb you can reap the benefits of NightHawk s intelligent bulb technology within a few short minutes. GE Nighthawk sport headlamps feature high performance blue-white light putting a whole new light on your driving experience.

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Last updated
March 7, 2025

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