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All s Fair : Love War and Running for President (Paperback)

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Product Name
All s Fair : Love War and Running for President (Paperback)
Product Description

Never before has a more revealing X ray been taken of the modern American presidential campaign than this compelling memoir of the nation s foremost political operatives Democrat James Carville and Republican Mary Matalin. Not since Theodore White s legendary Making of the President series has a book on presidential campaigns so intimately recounted the power plays and clandestine maneuvers that are at the heart of American political dueling. James Cherville and Mary Matalin themselves the key players at the center of the political battles and election headlines that gripped America tell in candid stunning detail of the day-by-day pressures near disasters and triumphs of campaign life; they take the reader deeper than ever before into the art of getting a president elected. For anyone interested in politics and the way our nation chooses its leaders All s Fair is a vital resource and the most telling guide available to the inner workings of today s partisan conflict.

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March 5, 2025

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