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Business Leadership Biographies: The Ultimate Box Set on Business Leadership

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Business Leadership Biographies: The Ultimate Box Set on Business Leadership
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9781696839112. New condition. Trade paperback. Language: English. Pages: 238. Trade paperback (US). Glued binding. 238 p. Learn from history s most remarkable Business Leaders... Five Books in One Walt Disney Thomas Edison John D. Rockefeller Henry Ford Andrew CarnegieSo if you want to learn from the best simply click the Buy now button for instant access! Walt DisneyThe name Disney is celebrated throughout the world because of its association with blockbuster animated films and most especially iconic cartoon characters. Just about everyone on the planet regardless of time place or culture has at one time or another become acquainted with Mickey Mouse Donald Duck and everybody s favorite anthropomorphic dog Goofy. These are the characters that we know and love. Thomas EdisonThomas Edison passed on many decades ago but his inventions still echo loudly through time. If you watch TV listen to your favorite songs or simply click on the lamp next to your bed it was Thomas Edison who brought all of these innovations into the world.Edison is sometimes regarded as someone who loved arguing with other inventors who were going in different directions from him yet his tenacity and dedication to his own work were what made so many of his inventions workable.No matter which way you look at Edison from failed businessman renowned inventor distant father to his children or to an argumentative scientist there is one thing everyone can agree on; Thomas Edison was pure genius. After all in his world nothing less would do. John D. RockefellerJohn D. Rockefeller the wealthiest man of all time amassed a fortune as he led the Standard Oil Company to an unprecedented position of power in the industrial markets. In addition to being a successful businessman he was also a generous philanthropist. But somewhere between the money he earned and the money he gave away lies a mystery that remains unsolved. How could someone so generous have been so hated in his time? How could someone so successful have been so despised by the public the press and the government? Was Rockefeller a villain or a hero? The truth is that he was both. Henry FordHenry Ford once announced to a young schoolboy that it was he who had invented the modern age. Born on a farm in rural Michigan three weeks after the battle of Gettysburg Ford hated everything about farming as soon as he could understand what it was about. So he turned his attention to the farm machinery that made the family farm run and never looked back.It was his love of machines then engines and finally automobiles that Henry Ford is best known for. He designed and manufactured cars which would transform not just his family s little farm and not just the city of Detroit. The automobile would change the world; ushering in a whole new way of living one s life. A modern life to be sure. Andrew CarnegieHe has roads schools libraries and the famous Carnegie Hall all named after him. But who was this industrialist and business titan of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century? What were his struggles and how did he help the world with his philanthropic contributions? Was the story of this Scottish immigrant truly a rags to riches one? And what was it that caused Andrew Carnegie s desire to give his great wealth away?

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March 4, 2025

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