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Make Learning Fun!: Effective teaching methods for your child (Paperback)

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Make Learning Fun!: Effective teaching methods for your child (Paperback)
Product Description

Change is only 50 minutes away! Find out everything you need to know about making learning enjoyable with this straightforward guide. If your child seems constantly distracted at school lacks motivation and struggles to retain what they have learnt it could be that traditional teaching methods are simply not right for them. Fortunately there are a range of new and innovative approaches that take each child s strengths and preferences into account allowing them to rediscover the joy of learning. In just 50 minutes you will be able to: - Understand the reasons behind your child s lack of interest in school - Implement innovative teaching methods to help your child learn - Turn learning into an opportunity to bond with your child ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM HEALTH AND WELLBEING The Health and Wellbeing series from the 50Minutes collection is perfect for anyone looking to be healthier and happier in their personal life. Our guides cover a range of topics from social anxiety to getting ready for a new baby and provide simple practical advice and suggestions to allow you to reduce stress strengthen your relationships and increase your wellbeing.

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March 4, 2025

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