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Men Without Women (Paperback)

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Product Name
Men Without Women (Paperback)
Product Description

Classic short stories from a master of American fiction exploring relationships war and sportsmanship. First published in 1927 Men Without Women represents some of Hemingway s most important and compelling early writing. In these fourteen stories Hemingway begins to examine the themes that would occupy his later works: the casualties of war the often-uneasy relationship between men and women sports and sportsmanship. In Another Country tells of an Italian major recovering from war wounds as he mourns the untimely death of his wife. The Killers is the hard-edged story about two Chicago gunmen and their potential victim. Nick Adams makes an appearance in Ten Indians in which he is presumably betrayed by his girlfriend Prudence. And Hills Like White Elephants is a young couple s subtle heart-wrenching discussion about the future. Pared down gritty and subtly expressive these stories show the young Hemingway emerging as one of America s finest short story writers.

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February 19, 2025

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