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Gone with the Wind (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Gone with the Wind (Hardcover)
Product Description

Since its original publication in 1936 Gone With the Wind--winner of the Pulitzer Prize and one of the bestselling novels of all time--has been heralded by readers everywhere as The Great American Novel. Widely considered The Great American Novel and often remembered for its epic film version Gone With the Wind explores the depth of human passions with an intensity as bold as its setting in the red hills of Georgia. A superb piece of storytelling it vividly depicts the drama of the Civil War and Reconstruction. This is the tale of Scarlett O Hara the spoiled manipulative daughter of a wealthy plantation owner who arrives at young womanhood just in time to see the Civil War forever change her way of life. A sweeping story of tangled passion and courage in the pages of Gone With the Wind Margaret Mitchell brings to life the unforgettable characters that have captured readers for over seventy years.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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