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Zareba 25-mile Battery Operated Low Impedance Electric Fence Charger

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Product Name
Zareba 25-mile Battery Operated Low Impedance Electric Fence Charger
Product Description

The Zareba 25 Mile Battery Operated Low Impedance Electric Fence Charger is designed for controlling horses pigs cows and exotic animals. It also helps keep out rabbits skunks woodchucks and raccoons. Ideal for powering remote areas and areas lacking access to AC power. Can be used with long length fences having light to heavy weeds. Features include digital timing an indicator lamp that shows the charger is working and a rugged weather-resistant case. Use 10 to 17 gauge wire. 12-volt battery with pulsed DC output (1-second intervals). Battery life approximately 4 to 5 weeks battery not included. Comes with a 2-year warranty that includes damage caused by lightning.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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