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The Space Trilogy: That Hideous Strength (Series #3) (Hardcover)

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Product Name
The Space Trilogy: That Hideous Strength (Series #3) (Hardcover)
Product Description

In That Hideous Strength the final installment of the Space Trilogy the dark forces that have been repulsed in Out of the Silent Planet and Perelandra are massed for an assualt on the planet Earth itself. Word is on the wind that the mighty wizard Merlin has come back to the land of the living after many centuries holding the key to ultimate power for the force that can find him and bend him to its will. A sinister technocratic organization that is gaining force throughout England N.I.C.E. (the National Institute of Cordinated Experiments) secretly controlled by humanity s mortal enemies plans to use Merlin in their plot to recondition society. Dr. Ransom forms a countervailing group Logres in opposition and the two groups struggle to a climactic resolution that brings the Space Trilogy to a magnificent crashing close.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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