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Good Faeries Bad Faeries (Hardcover)

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Good Faeries Bad Faeries (Hardcover)
Product Description

Once upon a time I thought faeries lived only in books old folktales and the past. That was before they burst upon my life as vibrant luminous beings permeating my art and my everyday existence causing glorious havoc.... In the long-awaited sequel to the international bestseller Faeries artist Brian Froud rescues pixies gnomes and other faeries from the isolation of the nursery and the distance of history bringing them into the present day with vitality and imagination. In this richly imagined new book Brian reveals the secrets he has learned from the faeries -- what their noses and shoes look like what mischief and what gentle assistance they can give what their souls and their dreams are like. As it turns out faeries aren t all sweetness and light. In addition to such good faeries as Dream Weavers and Faery Godmothers Brian introduces us to a host of less well behaved creatures -- traditional bad faeries like Morgana le Fay but also the Soul Shrinker and the Gloominous Doom. The faery kingdom we find is as subject to good and evil as the human realm. Brilliantly documenting both the dark and the light Good Faeries/Bad Faeries presents a world of enchantment and magic that deeply compels the imagination.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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