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Sexy Slang Series: Merde Encore! : More of the Real French You Were Never Taught at School (Paperback)

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Product Name
Sexy Slang Series: Merde Encore! : More of the Real French You Were Never Taught at School (Paperback)
Product Description

Sacre Bleu!!! Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the café... For those of you who delighted in Geneviève s deliciously naughty first book Merde! and for those unfortunate few who have not yet had the pleasure...Geneviève is back with Merde Encore! Here the inimitable Geneviève makes further fabulous forays into French argot and comes up with an enormous range of colorful idioms essential for anyone who wants to speak the language as it really is spoken. As an additional treat she also gives instructions in the correct use of impassioned Gallic gestures -- those silent but expressive signals so beloved of the French motorist and shopkeeper. And most important she reveals how the French language both spoken and visual is a key to the spirit and character of the people who use it. With infectious humor she exposes the idiosyncratic attitudes that have produced so great a wealth of vivid expressions. So now discover how the French really feel about sex food la belle France foreigners hygiene death...Merde Encore! may confirm what you ve always suspected.

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March 4, 2025

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