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Pre-Owned Real Talk 1: Authentic English in Context (Paperback) 0131835459 9780131835450

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Product Name
Pre-Owned Real Talk 1: Authentic English in Context (Paperback) 0131835459 9780131835450
Product Description

Pre-Owned Real Talk 1: Authentic English in Context is a paperback book designed for students wanting to improve their English skills in real-life situations. This book offers an authentic experience by including language features like hesitation, interruption, and interjection. These elements mimic everyday conversations and help learners understand how native speakers communicate. The vocabulary exercises included in the book focus on specific topics, preparing students to engage in meaningful discussions.

Additionally, the book provides listening strategies that equip students with essential tools for both personal and academic success. With guided practice in note-taking and outlining, learners gain confidence in processing information, making them ready for university and college-level listening tasks. To further enhance speaking skills, the book includes various activities such as role plays, presentations, and debates that reinforce the use of authentic English. These engaging features address the growing importance of listening and speaking skills in today’s standardized tests, making this book a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their English fluency in an interactive manner.

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Last updated
December 4, 2024

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