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Understanding Eastern Philosophy (Paperback)

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Product Name
Understanding Eastern Philosophy (Paperback)
Product Description

Understanding Eastern Philosophy provides an accessible critical introduction to how some of the key philosophies of the East compare with those in the West. Starting from a discussion of the problems of distinguishing between religions and philosophies Ray Billington presents a clear picture of the key tenets behind Hinduism Buddhism Taoism Jainism and Confucianism. Moving on to compare the key themes of religious philosophy that cut across East and West such as a belief in God the soul moral decision-making nature and authority Understanding Eastern Philosophy presents a fascinating and controversial picture of the contribution theistic religions have to make. With its belief in a personal God bestowing a particular version of truth Ray Billington concludes that the universal mysticism characteristic of Eastern thought provides a more realistic and rewarding path than is commonly supposed in the West. Understanding Eastern Philosophy assumes no prior knowledge of religion or philosophy.

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March 4, 2025

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