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Multi Grain Cheerios Heart Healthy Cereal, 12 OZ Large Size Cereal Box

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Product Name
Multi Grain Cheerios Heart Healthy Cereal, 12 OZ Large Size Cereal Box
Product Description

General Mills Multi Grain Cheerios Heart Healthy Cereal combines whole grains for a perfect balance of nutrition and taste to help you get through your day. This gluten free cereal is made with whole grain oats, whole grain corn, whole grain rice and whole grain sorghum. These grains are grown, milled and toasted before being lightly sweetened, resulting in a delicious heart healthy cereal for adults and children with more of the goodness you are looking for in every spoonful. Serve this multigrain toasted oat cereal for breakfast, make it into cereal bars, prepare delicious snacks for toddlers or add it to your favorite trail mix. Made with whole grain oats, this gluten free cereal contains 3 grams of dietary fiber per serving and provides 100% of the daily value of nine vitamins and minerals. While many factors affect heart disease, diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of this disease. Multi Grain Cheerios Cereal is low in fat, saturated fat free and cholesterol free. An official participating Box Tops product, this 12-ounce Multi Grain Cheerios cereal box contains eight servings of multigrain cereal that can be stored conveniently at home for a quick breakfast food or heart healthy snacks. Whether you're looking for easy toddler snacks, trail mix ingredients or a breakfast cereal for the whole family, General Mills cereals spread goodness from tots to grown-ups.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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