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Pre-Owned Kaplan ACT Premier [With DVD] (Paperback) 1618650599 9781618650597

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Product Name
Pre-Owned Kaplan ACT Premier [With DVD] (Paperback) 1618650599 9781618650597
Product Description

The essential comprehensive guide from Kaplan the leader in test prep for 75 years that provides proven test-taking strategies and in-depth practice so that students can score higher on the ACT-- guaranteed . College is becoming more competitive and costly each year making a high score on the ACT essential. A high ACT score sets a student apart from the competition and opens up more scholarship opportunities. Kaplan ACT Premier 2014 with 6 Practice Tests is a unique resource that provides coverage of all tested material along with a rich assortment of resources -- online practice DVD lessons and a cross-platform mobile edition for convenient portable study. This comprehensive study guide includes: Six full-length practice tests with detailed answer explanations DVD lessons from Kaplan s top instructors A mobile edition (iPad Android phone and tablet Windows7 and 8 and browser) for convenient portable study SmartPoints: a Kaplan-exclusive strategy that allows students to study efficiently and effectively so that they can earn the most points on Test Day Perfect Score Tips: advice and strategies from a student who got a perfect score Kaplan s 75 years of test prep expertise Our higher score guarantee This uniquely powerful collection of resources and expertise offers everything a student needs to succeed on Test Day.

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February 10, 2025

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