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3Pair Medical Sport Compression Socks Men,20-30mmhg Run Nurse Socks for Edema Diabetic Varicose Veins

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Product Name
3Pair Medical Sport Compression Socks Men,20-30mmhg Run Nurse Socks for Edema Diabetic Varicose Veins
Product Description

The compression socks suitable for Diabetic, Varicose Veins, Reduce Shin Splints, pulled muscle, calf cramps, foot cramps, leg cramps, lactic acid production.Perfect for nurses, doctors, teachers, construction workers, courier, porter, chefs, line workers, and restaurant serving staff. The compression socks have a gradient pressure that decreases step by step from bottom to top (the highest support pressure in the ankle, which gradually decreases along the leg) to promote venous return and reduce blood stasis and swelling. The compression socks promote blood circulation,will reduce plantar fasciitis, blisters, blood pooling, achilles and heel cup issues. Women's venous disease is closely related to pregnancy and postpartum. Pregnant women often face problems: fatigue, restlessness, leg sinking and tightening.The calf is numb at night.Compression socks will improve blood circulation in the lower extremities, reduce varicose veins.

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Last updated
December 3, 2024

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