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At-A-Glance Horizontalontal Erasable Wall Calendars

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Product Name
At-A-Glance Horizontalontal Erasable Wall Calendars
Product Description

Keep important appointments organized with the At-A-Glance Horizontal Erasable Wall Calendar. This reversible monthly planner provides a convenient write-on and wipe-off surface has two sides of dated planning. One side has January to December horizontally listed with a blue border and the other side has the same format with a burgundy border. The dated months include daily unruled blocks (1-5/8 x 1-1/2 ) for writing deadlines and milestones holidays along with Sunday-through-Saturday scheduling. You can change plans on the At-A-Glance wall calendar easily by erasing and then rewriting. The two-sided erasable planner also includes two markers. Whether it is family gatherings outings with friends or things like doctors appointments or business meetings keep track of them with this easy-to-use system.

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Last updated
February 8, 2025

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