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At-A-Glance Weekly/Monthly Refills

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Product Name
At-A-Glance Weekly/Monthly Refills
Product Description

Keep your At-A-Glance Executive Weekly/Monthly Appointment Book up to date and full with the help of these At-A-Glance Refills. This package includes two different types of planning pages. One of the refills has tabbed two-page-per-month spreads that features a full unruled block for each day and a ruled side column for prioritizing activities. It also has Sunday-through-Saturday scheduling count of days/days remaining chart for prioritized activities ruled notes section and past and future months reference. The other weekly/monthly appointment book refill features two-page-per-week spreads that include ruled daily columns and hourly appointment times from 8 AM to 5 PM with rulings for 15-minute intervals each hour. It has Monday-through-Sunday scheduling count of days/days remaining a daily chart for prioritized activities and a ruled notes area.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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