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At-A-Glance Erasable Yearly Horizontal Wall Planners

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Product Name
At-A-Glance Erasable Yearly Horizontal Wall Planners
Product Description

This At-A-Glance Horizontal Wall Calendar Planner helps to make sure you know what the plans are for the day every time you step out the door. It is easy to view and read when it has been mounted to the wall. The erasable yearly calendar planner is simple to change if some events get rescheduled or if any new ones suddenly come up. Thickly laminated the planner is easy to write on with the included wet-erase marker. The bold and large print is quickly legible on quality white paper to ensure you can see days and dates even when looking from a distance. The At-A-Glance wall calendar planner has unruled daily blocks Sunday-through-Saturday scheduling count of days/days remaining and holidays. One side has a single year of dated planning from January to December. The other side has a ruled notes area and an unruled planning section to allow you the flexibility to plan.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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