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Hitty Her First Hundred Years (Paperback)

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Product Name
Hitty Her First Hundred Years (Paperback)
Product Description

Hitty is a doll of great charm and character. It is indeed a privilege to publish her memoirs which besides being full of the most thrilling adventures on land and sea also reveal her delightful personality. One glance at her portrait will show that she is no ordinary doll. Hitty or Mehitable as she was really named was made in the early 1800s for Phoebe Preble a little girl from Maine. Young Phoebe was very proud of her beautiful doll and took her everywhere even on a long sailing trip in a whaler. This is the story of Hitty s years with Phoebe and the many that follow in the life of a well-loved doll.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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