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Pinky & Rex Pinky and Rex: Ready-To-Read Level 3 Book 1 (Paperback)

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Product Name
Pinky & Rex Pinky and Rex: Ready-To-Read Level 3 Book 1 (Paperback)
Product Description

From the earliest stages of sounding out words to the excitement of reading a whole book without help Ready-to-Read books open up a world of possibilities to children at three different levels: LEVEL 1: STARTING TO READ LEVEL 2: READING TOGETHER LEVEL 3: READING ALONE Pinky has twenty-seven stuffed animals and Rex has twenty-seven dinosaurs. They have everything the same and that s the way it should be with best friends. So what do they do when there s only one pink dinosaur in the museum gift shop and they both want it? Could Pinky s pesky little sister Amanda have the answer?

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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