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Steal Away Home (Paperback)

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Product Name
Steal Away Home (Paperback)
Product Description

When Dana uncovers a skeleton hidden in the wall of her home she also uncovers a dark secret that stretches back years. When twelve-year-old Dana Shannon starts to strip away wallpaper in her family s old house she s unprepared for the surprise that awaits her. A hidden room--containing a human skeleton! How did such a thing get there? And why was the tiny room sealed up? With the help of a diary found in the room Dana learns her house was once a station on the Underground Railroad. The young woman whose remains Dana discovered was Lizbet Charles a conductor and former slave. As the scene shifts between Dana s world and 1856 the story of the families that lived in the house unfolds. But as pieces of the puzzle begin to fall into place one haunting question remains--why did Lizbet Charles die?

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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