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Cornrows (Paperback)

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Cornrows (Paperback)
Product Description

A Coretta Scott King Award Winner for Illustration A Notable Children s Trade Book in the Field of Social Studies Every design has a name and means something in the powerful past and present richness of the Black tradition. Mama s and Great-Grammaw s gentle fingers weave the design and their lulling voices weave the tale as they braid their children s hair into the striking cornrow patterns of Africa. Camille Yarbrough captures the warmth of family affection and the pride of our rich heritage in a story that s superbly illustrated by Carole Byard. --Essence Camille Yarbrough is a poet griot and storyteller who has crafted a special rhythmic and moving story for you and yours. . . . The illustrations by Carole Byard dignify and give all due respect to the story. --Council on Interracial Books for Children

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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