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Tales from the Garbage Hills: Berji Kristin: Tales from the Garbage Hills (Paperback)

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Product Name
Tales from the Garbage Hills: Berji Kristin: Tales from the Garbage Hills (Paperback)
Product Description

A nihilistic wit reminiscent of Samuel Beckett.?Independent on Sunday The cast-offs of modern urban society are driven out onto the edges of the city and left to make a life there for themselves. They are not however in any natural wilderness but in a world of refuse and useless junk?a place which denies any form of sustainable life. Here the unemployed the homeless the old and the bereft struggle to build shelters out of old tin cans scavenge for food and fight against insuperable odds. And yet somehow they survive: it seems that society thrives on the garbage hills because it has always been built on one. In this dark fairy tale full of scenes taken from what has increasingly become a way of life for many inhabitants on this planet Latife Tekin has written a grim parable of human destiny. A major best seller in her native Turkey Latife Tekin maintains a politically active presence and has written a number of literary works. Saliha Paker translates Turkish poetry and is a member of the Centre for Byzantine Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies at the University of Birmingham. Ruth Christie is a translator of Turkish poetry and prose. A provocative and enjoyable work.?Times Literary Supplement A small masterpiece of beauty.?Women s Review of Books

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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