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Tetra TetraMin Tropical Crisps Nutritionally Balanced Fish Food 3.28 oz

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Product Name
Tetra TetraMin Tropical Crisps Nutritionally Balanced Fish Food 3.28 oz
Product Description

TetraMin Tropical Crisps provide superior highly digestible nutrition for your fish. These colorful crisps include high levels of carotenes to stimulate richer color high protein krill for muscle growth and algae meal for easy-to-digest protein vitamins and carbohydrates. TetraMin Tropical Crisps produce up to 35% less waste when used as directed for clearer water and healthier fish. Uniform crisps size promote consistency in feeding. Tetra formulas feature micro milled exotic high-protein fish meal as a core ingredient making them pure and digestible with fewer colorants. This leads to less waste and a cleaner clearer aquarium.

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Last updated
December 19, 2024

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