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Dixie Everyday Disposable Paper Bowls 10 oz Multi-Color 35 Count

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Product Name
Dixie Everyday Disposable Paper Bowls 10 oz Multi-Color 35 Count
Product Description

Focus on what matters with Dixie® 10 ounce Disposable Paper Bowls - they re strong convenient and affordable enough to use every day. Dixie® round paper bowls are microwaveable for easy reheating cut resistant and have a Soak Proof Shield™ that is designed to handle all types of food including soup chili stews salads with dressing ice cream and more. The Dixie® family of paper bowls and paper plates is strong so you can double up on servings not bowls or plates. Try them for everyday meals or snacks family get-togethers weekend brunch birthday celebrations or other special events. You ll spend less time at the sink and more time at the table! All Dixie® branded paper bowls cups and plates manufactured in Georgia-Pacific facilities are kosher certified by the Orthodox Union. Stock up today with this pack of 35 10-ounce disposable paper bowls!

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Last updated
March 9, 2025

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