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WORKBOOK For The 48 Laws of Power By Robert Greene (Paperback)

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WORKBOOK For The 48 Laws of Power By Robert Greene (Paperback)
Product Description

Workbook For The 48 Laws of Power By Robert Greene HOW TO USE THIS WORKBOOK TO GAIN MAXIMUM POWER & CONTROL IN YOUR LIFE The goal of this workbook is to help you attain power; understand how to wield it and to know what to do to constantly remain in control. By using this workbook, you'll find out how to stand out of the crowd, how to be the most desired person amidst your peers and superiors. In the book "The 48 Laws of Power" by Robert Greene, Greene the author of several other bestselling books like; The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, and The 50th Law gives out 48 laws through which we can gain maximum power and control in life. He was of the opinion that life is filled with principles that make things happen. Without the knowledge of these principles, we'll simply be victims of life. That's not a good thing for anyone which is why you deserve to know the principles of power. In this workbook you will get; Chapter by chapter summaries for guidance and recollection of the 48 laws Questions which hone your insight and stretch your own boundaries Concise key point sum ups at the end of each chapter to capture crucial facts And much more! The summary aspect of this book serves as a refresher to help you keep touch of the 48 laws of power and its pecks without having to go back to reread the original book each time you feel like you've forgotten a thing or two. While the workbook aspect helps you put what you've read into practice to help make it stick both in your head, and in your everyday life. In order to maximize the benefits of this book, you need to attempt ALL questions. Take out the time to reflect on the answers before you write them down and don't be in a hurry. If you need to take some time off when answering the questions, then by all means do so. No one will penalize you for any wrong answer or not answering immediately but you must answer the questions to get the best of the workbook. It is advised that you get 2 copies of this workbook so that you may re-attempt the questions after a couple of months from your initial try. You will get to see your growth with the faithful application of the ideas and methods from the book. Scroll Up and Click On The Buy Button To Get Started PLEASE NOTE that this is an unofficial and independent workbook for the book "The 48 Laws of Power" by Robert Greene written by Pando Books.

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