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Studies in Feminist Philosophy Categories We Live by: The Construction of Sex Gender Race and Other Social Categories (Paperback)

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Studies in Feminist Philosophy Categories We Live by: The Construction of Sex Gender Race and Other Social Categories (Paperback)
Product Description

We are women we are men. We are refugees single mothers people with disabilities and queers. We belong to social categories and they frame our actions self-understanding and opportunities. But what are social categories? How are they created and sustained? How does one come to belong to them? Ásta approaches these questions through analytic feminist metaphysics. Her theory of social categories centers on an answer to the question: what is it for a feature of an individual to be socially meaningful? In a careful probing investigation she reveals how social categories are created and sustained and demonstrates their tendency to oppress through examples from current events. To this end she offers an account of just what social construction is and how it works in a range of examples that problematize the categories of sex gender and race in particular. The main idea is that social categories are conferred upon people. Ásta introduces a conferralist framework in order to articulate a theory of social meaning social construction and most importantly of the construction of sex gender race disability and other social categories.

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March 4, 2025

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