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Rust-Oleum Gloss Automotive Scratch & Chip Repair Marker Universal Bright White 0.5 fl oz

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Product Name
Rust-Oleum Gloss Automotive Scratch & Chip Repair Marker Universal Bright White 0.5 fl oz
Product Description

Universal Bright White Rust-Oleum Gloss Automotive Scratch & Chip Repair Marker-U5005C 0.5 fl oz: Provides a quick and easy fix to damaged automotive paint surface scratches and chips on car or truck finishes. Simply brush dab or glide the touch up paint marker directly over any surface imperfections for a good-as-new finish. The flexible bottle allows for easy control of the paint for a smooth even repair. Non-clogging formula replicates an OEM finish with excellent weather and fade resistance. Available in a wide variety of universal OEM factory colors for the perfect paint correction on nearly any vehicle.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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