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MuscleMeds Carnivor Beef Protein Isolate Chocolate 2.3 lbs Pwdr

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Product Name
MuscleMeds Carnivor Beef Protein Isolate Chocolate 2.3 lbs Pwdr
Product Description

"Nothing builds muscle like red meat," says world-class bodybuilder Kai Greene. "Carnivor allows me to get all of the muscle-building benefits of beef without the fat, cholesterol and digestive distress." Carnivor is the world's first all-beef protein isolate, which is more concentrated than whey protein. Using new advanced extraction, clarification, hydrolysis and isolation technologies, Carnivor's Beef Protein Isolate delivers the muscle building power of beef with greater amino acid levels than other protein sources used in supplements, including whey, soy, milk and egg. Carnivor is even 350% more concentrated in anabolic muscle building aminos than a prime sirloin steak and 20 times the creatine content. Anabolic Nitrogen Retention Technology (ANRT) also helps recycle aminos and minimize ammonia. ANRT is a major breakthrough in protein supplementation, and it is specially designed to allow the recycling of aminos back toward the muscle building pathway and fight against the

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Last updated
January 16, 2025

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