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Amherst Series in Law Jurisprudence: Law on the Screen (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Amherst Series in Law Jurisprudence: Law on the Screen (Hardcover)
Product Description

The proliferation of images of law legal processes and officials on television and in film is a phenomenon of enormous significance. Mass-mediated images are as powerful pervasive and important as are other early twenty-first-century social forces--e.g. globalization neo-colonialism and human rights--in shaping and transforming legal life. Yet scholars have only recently begun to examine how law works in this new arena and to explore the consequences of the representation of law in the moving image. Law on the Screen advances our understanding of the connection between law and film by analyzing them as narrative forms examining film for its jurisprudential content--that is its ways of critiquing the present legal world and imagining an alternative one--and expanding studies of the representation of law in film to include questions of reception.

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March 4, 2025

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