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The Martial Artist s Book of Yoga : Improve Flexibility Balance and Strength for Higher Kicks Faster Strikes Smoother Throws Safer Falls and Stronger Stances (Paperback)

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The Martial Artist s Book of Yoga : Improve Flexibility Balance and Strength for Higher Kicks Faster Strikes Smoother Throws Safer Falls and Stronger Stances (Paperback)
Product Description

The perfect training supplement for martial artists The Martial Artist s Book of Yoga shows how the ancient practice of yoga was the genesis of all martial arts. It clearly illustrates how specific yoga poses can directly improve one s martial arts abilities with asanas that the reader can easily incorporate into a balanced workout. Designed for those practicing any martial art including judo karate kung fu tae kwon do jujitsu and hapkido the book explains the training needs and challenges of the various universal techniques: kicks strikes blocks throws falls joint locks and grappling. Then the author identifies the underlying fundamentals necessary to advance one s skill in each area and presents a series of yoga poses specially selected to make those improvements - from increased flexibility and strength to better body control and balance.

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March 4, 2025

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