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Principles of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis: Theory and Practice (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Principles of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis: Theory and Practice (Hardcover)
Product Description

Bloodstain evidence has become a deciding factor in the outcome of many of the world s most notorious criminal cases. As a result substantiation of this evidence is crucial to those on either side of the courtroom aisle. The challenge is to obtain an authoritative reference that provides the latest information in a comprehensive and effective manner. Principles of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis: Theory and Practice presents an in-depth investigation of this important subject matter. A multidisciplinary approach is presented throughout the book that uses scene and laboratory examinations in conjunction with forensic pathology forensic serology and chemical enhancement techniques. Emphasis is on a thought process based on taxonomic classification of bloodstains that takes into account their physical characteristics of size shape and distribution and the specific mechanisms that produce them. Individual chapters analyze case studies with two chapters specifically discussing the details of legal issues as they pertain to bloodstain pattern analysis. Information highlighted throughout the book includes an examination of bloodstained clothing and footwear and information on bloodstain interpretation for crime scene reconstruction. Dramatic color images of bloodletting injuries bloodstains and crime scenes are also presented to compliment the technical content of this resource. Features § Provides 500 full color photographs - the first bloodstain pattern book presenting dramatic full color images of bloodletting injuries bloodstains and crime scenes § Contains appendices with scientific data that includes trigonometric tables and metric equivalents as well as crime scene and laboratory check lists and biohazard safety precautions § Discloses court decisions relating to bloodstain pattern analysis and presumptive blood testing § Written by authors with many years of experience in the field and features chapters contributed by qualified and respected forensic scientists and attorneys

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February 16, 2025

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