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House of Kolor Stratto Blue C2C-BC04 Basecoat Quart

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Product Name
House of Kolor Stratto Blue C2C-BC04 Basecoat Quart
Product Description

SHIMRIN® GLAMOUR METALLICS (BC) Shimrin® Glamour Metallic color bases are captivatingly rich. So versatile that they can be used as basecoats beneath a Kandy application or simply clear over the top for a vibrant metallic finish. From this metallic platform color possibilities become endless as Shimrin Metallic Bases may be intermixed with other Shimrin’s including the Neons Graphic Kolors and Designer Pearls to create a truly one-of-a-kind custom finish. Reducers: RU310 RU311 or RU312 RU Reducers Temp Chart Mix Ratio: 2:1

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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