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Outset 12 X 16-Inch Locking Quesadilla Grill Basket

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Product Name
Outset 12 X 16-Inch Locking Quesadilla Grill Basket
Product Description

Outset 12 X 16-Inch Locking Quesadilla Grill Basket. QC76. BBQ Grill Baskets. The perfect grill needs the perfect grilling basket. The 12 X 16-Inch Locking Quesadilla Grill Basket combines the durability of heavy duty chromed steel with the beauty and stay-cool comfort of rosewood handle grips for safer easy grilling. The rosewood handle fits in perfectly with the extended family of Rosewood BBQ tools. This unique grill basket allows you to grill a quick Quesadilla snack or fully stuffed meal. The long handle keeps your hands away from the heat and makes it easy to move turn or transport the basket. The chromed mesh prevents food from sticking so there is no need for any additional butter or oils and the hinged basket and easy slide locking base keeps your food secure while grilling....

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Last updated
December 9, 2024

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