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Pre-Owned A Pictorial History of the University of Iowa (Hardcover) 0877451893 9780877451891

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Pre-Owned A Pictorial History of the University of Iowa (Hardcover) 0877451893 9780877451891
Product Description

The founders of the new state of Iowa in 1847 waited only fifty-nine days to charter a university. Eight years later the first classes were held in a rented building still very much on the edge of the western frontier surrounded by prairie and pastureland. It is difficult to imagine such a scene today compared to the University of Iowa s contemporary setting with its 26 000 students its 250-plus buildings huge medical complex performing arts campus and athletic facilities all clustered around the grand centerpiece of the Old Capitol. First published in 1988 this gracefully written pictorial narrative deftly compresses the history of this distinguished institution into a readable and entertaining text enriched by an impressive selection of over 350 photographs gleaned from the university s archives. Photos and text capture Iowa s major research accomplishments--in space exploration medical research educational testing and the ground-breaking advanced degree programs for creative work in all the arts--as well as the many great moments in Hawkeye sports. Also included is an account of the evolution of the institution itself of the significant teachers and administrators who guided the university s progress through world wars periods of intense social upheaval and the more tranquil years of strength and growth.With an all-new album of fifty color photos that both celebrate and define the last twenty years of the university s history the expanded paperback edition of this classic book is an enduring testament to the unique character of the University of Iowa its strong commitment to education research and the creative arts and its remarkable service to the state.

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