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IEEE Press Electronics Technology: EMC and the Printed Circuit Board: Design Theory and Layout Made Simple (Hardcover)

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Product Name
IEEE Press Electronics Technology: EMC and the Printed Circuit Board: Design Theory and Layout Made Simple (Hardcover)
Product Description

Mark I. Montrose the best-selling author of PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD DESIGN TECHNIQUES FOR EMC COMPLIANCE now brings you his newest book EMC AND THE PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD. This accessible new reference work shows how and why RF energy is created within a printed circuit board and the manner in which propagation occurs. With lucid explanations this book enables engineers to grasp both the fundamentals of EMC theory and signal integrity and the mitigation process needed to prevent an EMC event. Author Montrose also shows the relationship between time and frequency domains to help you meet mandatory compliance requirements placed on printed circuit boards. Using real-world examples the book features: * Clear discussions without complex mathematical analysis of flux minimization concepts * Extensive analysis of capacitor usage for various applications * Detailed examination of components characteristics with various grounding methodologies including implementation techniques * An in-depth study of transmission line theory * A careful look at signal integrity crosstalk and termination Sponsored by: IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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