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Hippocrene International Cookbook Series: The Best of Ukrainian Cuisine (Paperback)

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Product Name
Hippocrene International Cookbook Series: The Best of Ukrainian Cuisine (Paperback)
Product Description

This compendium of Ukrainian cookery contains more than just your typical babka and borshch--it features more than 200 authentic Ukranian recipes with the special touch that until now only a Ukrainian grandmother could provide. The Best of Ukrainian Cuisine gives away grandmother s trade secrets enabling cooks to create everything from a simple salad to an entire Ukrainian feast. Living up to its name this cookbook offers recipes for Ukrainian favorites such as kasha (buckwheat groats) potato pancakes and stuffed cabbage along with popular contemporary dishes like pike sautéed in sour cream and apple babka. The inventive cooking techniques and wide variety of ingredients found in Ukrainian cuisine provide dishes that are rich in flavor and nutrition as well as easy to prepare. Includes a complete list of menu items in Ukrainian and English.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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