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Heatshield Products 340250 Thermaflect Tape 2 Wide x 50 Heat Shield Tape

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Product Name
Heatshield Products 340250 Thermaflect Tape 2 Wide x 50 Heat Shield Tape
Product Description

This heat shield tape reflects up to 90 percent of radiant heat away from wires lines cables hoses and more. It is an excellent way to insulate components without disassembly or it may be used as a means to hold other thermal insulation in place. Thermaflect Tape is also excellent as a quick on the go solution to heat problems. Their heat shield tape is a must have for your race track tool box. Durable cloth construction makes it longer lasting and more rugged than similar products. This reflective heat shield tape withstands 1100F continuous radiant heat (requires minimum of 1 inch of airspace) and 500F of direct contact. The reflective heat shield tape cuts easily and installation is simple with Their high temperature self-adhesive backing that sticks to any CLEAN surface. Wider heat shield tape rolls available up to 150 feet long minimums will apply.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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