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The official Duke Nukem 3D strategies & secrets (Paperback) by Jonathan Mendoza

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Product Name
The official Duke Nukem 3D strategies & secrets (Paperback) by Jonathan Mendoza
Product Description

9780782117943. New condition. Softcover. Language: English. xviii 318 p. ; 23 cm. The official guide to winning all three Duke Nukem 3D episodes. The only book endorsed by Apogee and 3D Realms Entertainment it s packed with every hint and trick you need to kill aliens and find the loot. The enclosed CD features L.A. Meltdown Duke Nukem 3D s complete first episode. It also includes video walkthroughs of all 28 levels; 28 texture maps to guide you through each level s terrain; 28 line maps directing you to the weapons ammo power-ups and keycards of each level; and shareware versions of most other popular Apogee and 3D Realms games as well as previews of coming attractions.

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Last updated
February 23, 2025

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