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House Of Kolor F15-C01 Silver Dry Flake 1/64 (6 oz.)

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Product Name
House Of Kolor F15-C01 Silver Dry Flake 1/64 (6 oz.)
Product Description

House of Kolor’s line of flakes are another creative tool for the Kustom painter and will enhance the uniqueness of any paint job. Unlike the majority of flakes on the market that claim to be easy to spray House of Kolor s flakes deliver on that promise. Ultra-thin polyester makes HOK Flakes the lightest and easiest to use. There is a generous variety of colors available including the innovative Kameleon color shift flakes. HOK Flakes are available in 5 sizes to create any look or finish. For a great retro look use a chunky flake over a contrasting Kandy Basecoat. For a subtle shimmer of flake try Translucent Flakes which allow more of your base coat to shine through the flake particle. The mini and ultra-mini flakes have the brilliance of much larger flakes and are an excellent choice for eye catching effects. In addition Flakes can be added to any of the HOK SG Karriers and Klears.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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