Product info
In "Zombie Exterminators: The Zee Brothers," the thrilling adventure continues as the Zee Brothers face a new challenge. When a local charter school fears an outbreak of zombies among its students, they quickly step in to help. Trapped inside the school with scared children and no weapons, the brothers must rely on quick thinking and creativity to handle the situation. With the assistance of the resourceful school lunch lady and a bright young student, they navigate the chaos while trying to contain the toxic undead lurking around them.
As the situation intensifies, the brothers find themselves on a journey to a small farm outside of town. This location holds the key to understanding the outbreak, unveiling mysterious connections to their past. Along the way, Jonah, Judas, and JJ must face their fears and work together to prevent the infection from spreading further. This gripping tale combines humor, suspense, and heart, making it a must-read for fans of zombie adventures as they join the Zee Brothers on another wild ride against the undead.
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