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Full performer name: Steve Halpern/Emmett Miller M.D. Personnel: Steve Halpern; Emmett Miller M.D. (spoken vocals). Two well-known pioneers in the relaxation and healing arts Steven Halpern and Emmett Miller join forces to create a consummate healing tool with music and spoken word. This album features electronic music by the ever-reliable Halpern (a prolific composer with many albums to his credit) and guided meditations imagery and exercises geared for tension release by Emmett Miller (a physician who has written extensively on self-healing and bridging the medical and body/mind/spirit worlds). Halpern s sweet crystalline synthesizers and keyboards combined with Miller s ultra-comforting even-toned vocals create a warm escape from daily tensions.

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Full performer name: Steve Halpern/Emmett Miller M.D. Personnel: Steve Halpern; Emmett Miller M.D. (spoken vocals). Two well-known pioneers in the relaxation and healing arts Steven Halpern and Emmett Miller join forces to create a consummate healing tool with music and spoken word. This album features electronic music by the ever-reliable Halpern (a prolific composer with many albums to his credit) and guided meditations imagery and exercises geared for tension release by Emmett Miller (a physician who has written extensively on self-healing and bridging the medical and body/mind/spirit worlds). Halpern s sweet crystalline synthesizers and keyboards combined with Miller s ultra-comforting even-toned vocals create a warm escape from daily tensions.
Product Description

The # 1 bestselling spoken relaxation with music program for stress relief since 1980 features a pioneer of mind/body medicine with the pioneer of sound healing. Four easy yet effective techniques feature Dr. Miller s warm and deeply resonant voice guiding you through physical and mental exercises and guided imagery to leave you feeling relaxed renewed and refreshed. SKU:ADIB00009N1WZ

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Last updated
February 23, 2025

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