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Copy Ditto: From Ignorance to Healthy Living (Paperback)

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Copy Ditto: From Ignorance to Healthy Living (Paperback)
Product Description

Long ago I decided not to stay ignorant unhealthy and die early. My story is birthed from over 20 years of learning and understanding from smart people how to maintain healthiness. Even though I am in my 50s and am no one special random people often walk up to me and ask what I am doing. My initial reply is Do you really want to know? There is no shortcut or quick fix for being fit strong and living well. My system is simple and proven to work if applied properly. If you are curious watch out because I am known for being blunt! Copy Ditto is a way to establish and maintain optimal health and live a better life. It will help you save money be a better steward improve your self-esteem give you more hours in the week gain more energy sleep better and lessen your sick time. My personal challenge for you is to become healthier and live longer. Copy Ditto is a method for establishing and maintaining healthy health and living a better life. My name is Ditto which means to repeat so it fits don t you think? It may surprise you but my definition of healthy health is NOT what you think. Here are some things I have discovered that do NOT promote long-term healthy success: Being on a fad diet Running Aerobic and cardio only exercises Yoga only Taking diet pills Fad Diets Starving yourself in the form of fasting Consistently eating energy bars and protein drinks Juicing Living at the gym and working out every day Weighing food A few of those things listed are great activities but some of them are horrible to do in any form or fashion. What really works is simple but doesn t seem to be very popular. If you can learn what I ve copied from other experts you will be healthy for life and an example to others as well. When I hit my 20s I realized my ideas of healthy health were not good nor were they working. It scared me. I had to figure it out from someone other than my family or friends because they seemed unhealthy and couldn t teach me anything logical about the subject. I was getting fatter by the moment but didn t know how to change. As I walk you through my journey of sustaining good health in a practical way you too will be able to copy all the things I do because it is based on me copying other super-smart fit people. Hence Copy Ditto! I am just passing on to you what I have learned from my own struggle. So let me give you a way out. Allow me to state this disclaimer: CAUTION: DO NOT READ THIS BOOK IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO IMPROVE YOUR CURRENT HEALTH AND LIFE. READ THIS ONLY IF YOU ARE READY FOR A SUSTAINING LIFE CHANGE. There you are off the hook! You will not be judged or scolded. You are free to remain in your present state of ill-health and live a shorter less fulfilling life. For those who may still be interested how did I figure out how to get a B on the health test of life? Keep reading and I ll explain.

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March 4, 2025

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