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Pre-Owned Keto Comfort Foods: Family Favorite Recipes Made Low-Carb and Healthy (Paperback) 1628602570 9781628602579

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Product Name
Pre-Owned Keto Comfort Foods: Family Favorite Recipes Made Low-Carb and Healthy (Paperback) 1628602570 9781628602579
Product Description

The ketogenic diet is all about nourishing and healing your body with nutrient-dense whole foods as international bestselling author Maria Emmerich has demonstrated in her previous books including The Ketogenic Cookbook (with Jimmy Moore) and The 30-Day Ketogenic Cleanse. But food is more than just nourishment; food is tradition food is love and most importantly food is a celebration. The mere thought of eating a particular meal or the smell of a favorite childhood dish can evoke positive memories whether it s a simple Sunday dinner with family or a major life event. When you begin following the ketogenic diet whether your goal is to promote weight loss improve blood markers or just enhance overall health and well-being it s easy to forget to enjoy food. Some people fall into a drab routine of consuming the same dishes over and over which can lead to boredom and frustration--and ultimately to the desire to fall back into old poor eating habits. With Keto Comfort Foods Maria Emmerich reassures everyone on the keto diet that it isn t difficult at all to recreate those favorite foods and meals in healthy ways--you just need to use a little creativity. By using clever low- or no-calorie substitutions for sugar and scrubbing all recipes clean of gluten-containing additives Maria has created an incredible resource for comforting home-cooked meals that are safe enough for everyone in the family and delicious enough for the most discerning eaters. These recipes are sure to become new family favorites! In Keto Comfort Foods Maria Emmerich has compiled her most soul-warming happiness-invoking recipes. The book s more than 170 tantalizing hearty comfort food recipes include everything from cinnamon rolls to steak fries and from chicken cordon bleu to tiramisu cheesecake. Maria has covered all the bases giving you the recipes and tips you need to make delicious and healthy versions of your favorite dishes.

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November 29, 2024

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