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The Distance Learning Playbook Grades K-12 (Other)

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Product Name
The Distance Learning Playbook Grades K-12 (Other)
Product Description

Effective teaching is effective teaching no matter where it occurs The pandemic teaching of mid-2020 was not really distance learning but rather crisis teaching. But starting now teachers have the opportunity to prepare for distance learning with purpose and intent--using what works best to accelerate students learning all the while maintaining an indelible focus on equity. Harnessing the insights and experience of renowned educators Douglas Fisher Nancy Frey and John Hattie The Distance Learning Playbook applies the wisdom and evidence of VISIBLE LEARNING(R) research to understand what works best with distance learning. Spanning topics from teacher-student relationships teacher credibility and clarity instructional design assessments and grading this comprehensive playbook details the research- and evidence-based strategies teachers can mobilize to deliver high- impact learning in an online virtual and distributed environment. This powerful guide includes: - Learning Intentions and Success Criteria for each module to track your own learning and model evidence-based teacher practices for meaningful learning - A diversity of instructional approaches including direct instruction peer learning and independent work that foster student self-regulation and move learning to deep and transfer levels - Discussion of equity challenges associated with distance learning along with examples of how teachers can work to ensure that equity gains that have been realized are not lost. - Special guidance for teachers of young children who are learning from a distance - Videos of the authors and teachers discussing a wide variety of distance learning topics - Space to write and reflect on current practices and plan future instruction The Distance Learning Playbook is the essential hands-on guide to preparing and delivering distance learning experiences that are truly effective and impactful.

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Last updated
February 3, 2025

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