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Why Marriage Matters : America Equality and Gay People s Right to Marry (Paperback)

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Product Name
Why Marriage Matters : America Equality and Gay People s Right to Marry (Paperback)
Product Description

At its core the freedom-to-marry movement is about the same thing every civil rights struggle has been about: taking seriously our country s promise to be a nation its citizens can make better its promise to be a place where people don t have to give up their differences or hide them in order to be treated equally. Why Marriage Matters offers a compelling intelligently reasoned discussion of a question that still remains in the national consciousness. It is the work of one of the most influential attorneys in America who has dedicated his life to the protection of individuals rights and our Constitution s commitment to equal justice under the law. Above all it is a clear straightforward book that brings into sharp focus the very human significance of the right to marry in America--not just for some couples but for all. Why is the word marriage so important? Will marriage for same-sex couples hurt the sanctity of the institution? How can people of different faiths reconcile their beliefs with the idea of marriage for same-sex couples? How will allowing gay couples to marry affect children? In this quietly powerful volume the most authoritative and fairly articulated book on the subject Wolfson demonstrates why the right to marry is important--indeed necessary--for all couples and for America s promise of equality.

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March 4, 2025

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