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Developmental Biology: The Molecular Biology of Cell Determination and Cell Differentiation (Paperback)

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Product Name
Developmental Biology: The Molecular Biology of Cell Determination and Cell Differentiation (Paperback)
Product Description

This series was established to create comprehensive treatises on specific topics in developmental biology. Such volumes serve a useful role in developmental biology which is a very diverse field that receives contributions from a wide variety of disciplines. This series is a meeting ground for the various practi- tioners of this science facilitating an integration of heterogeneous information on specific topics. Each volume is comprised of chapters selected to provide the conceptual basis for a comprehensive understanding of its topic as well as an analysis of the key experiments upon which that understanding is based. The specialist in any aspect of developmental biology should understand the experimental back- ground of the specialty and be able to place that body of information in context in order to ascertain where additional research would be fruitful. The creative process then generates new experiments. This series is intended to be a vital link in that ongoing process of learning and discovery.

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March 4, 2025

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