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Big Dot of Happiness Masquerade - Carnival Mask Party Round Candy Sticker Favors - Labels Fits Chocolate Candy (1 sheet of 108)

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Product Name
Big Dot of Happiness Masquerade - Carnival Mask Party Round Candy Sticker Favors - Labels Fits Chocolate Candy (1 sheet of 108)
Product Description

The tiniest of details can make the biggest difference when it comes to planning your upcoming Prom or Carnival Mask Party. Add a subtle yet thoughtful detail when you use the Masquerade round candy stickers. Approximately .75 inches these fun and delightful labels are just that special little something that elevates your occasion to whole other level. With 4 different coordinating designs these Masquerade Night labels come with 108 stickers total that you can simply peel and stick on to the round flat end of your favorite bite-sized treats like wrapped chocolates or mints. Scatter these decorated candies down your dessert table for your guests to grab or place them inside gift boxes to give away. Get creative and use the Masquerade round candy stickers on the top of beverage bottle caps or on your party invites. This set of Masquerade Night round candy Stickers will surely add a festive flair to your event and is that perfect final touch to your celebration.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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