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Just Grace Just Grace 3-Book Paperback Box Set (Hardcover)

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Just Grace Just Grace 3-Book Paperback Box Set (Hardcover)
Product Description

Triple the fun! The first three paperbacks in the popular series starring the lovable Grace Stewart and her third grade friends together for the first time in a colorful boxed set. The collection includes: Just Grace Still Just Grace and Just Grace Walks the Dog. A great gift for girls just settling into chapter books! Just Grace Third grader Grace Stewart gets stuck with the name Just Grace when she tries to distinguish herself from the three other Graces in her class. Grace is plenty different though. She has a teeny-tiny superpower for instance--she can tell if someone is unhappy and often tries to fix it. When she concocts an elaborate scheme to help her neighbor Mrs. Luther feel less lonely however her good intentions backfire rather dramatically. Headlines such as What Happened At Home That Was Completely Surprising and Spying For A Good Reason Is Not Bad keep things lively as do various lists ( Boy Things Rooms You Can Jump In ) comic strips and the author s cartoonish spot art. A funny glimpse into a third grader s madcap world of dashed hopes perceived enemies possible friends cats and sandwiches. Still Just Grace A fun new boy has just moved in next door to Grace s best friend Mimi. When Grace has to go away on a family trip during school she is terrified that when she comes back Mimi will be best friends with Max instead! After her trip not only does it seem her fear has come true but Mimi is even friends with the disgusting Sammy. Now Just Grace has to team up with two other Graces in her third-grade class for a school project including the Big Meanie. Just Grace Walks the Dog Everyone s favorite Grace is back. And this time she has a dog. Unfortunately he s only made of cardboard and rides a skateboard. Grace is determined though to prove to her parents that she is responsible and dependable enough to get a real dog. Things you learn in this book: Sometimes it s okay to be sneaky if you don t get caught.How to do flashlight Morse code.What happened at school that was exciting: nothing.How it feels to walk into your class after going to the principal s office!Many other things but most important how to convince your parents to MAYBE let you get a dog. A real one not one made of cardboard.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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